There are many reasons for wanting to improve your energy efficiency, however, the most compelling reason for the plastics processing industry is that wasting energy costs money and this is reflected in the bottom line. With rising energy costs, soaring raw material prices and the impacts of climate change, the need to monitor and reduce energy consumption is more important than ever before.
The RECIPE Low Energy Plastics Processing Best Practice Guide has been written to help you plan and implement an energy efficiency programme. It has been designed for use by anyone and recognises that not everyone has the time to undertake a full energy management programme.
Each chapter contains useful tips and actions to take, individual case studies and no-cost, low-cost and capital expenditure solutions to help reduce your energy consumption.
ASCAMM is participanting in the RCEIPE project with different european partners as Rapra Technology Ltd (UK), AIMPLAS, Association de Investigacion de Materiales Plasticos (Spain), ASCAMM Plus Servicios Tecnològicos, S.L. (Spain), British Plastics Federation (UK), CRIF-Wallonie (Belgium), Danish Technology Institute (Denmark), ICT Fraunhofer Institut fur Chemische Technologie (Germany), Pole European de Plasturgie (France).
If you want to receive this guide, please access to www.eurecipe.com and go to the "Best Practice Guide" section.
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